
AIM at KCL Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Programme of KCL workshopOn the 11th of June, AIM PhD student Luca Marinelli will participate at the King’s College Workshop on Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Bridging Sociological Studies in the Digital Age. Organised by DDH PhD students, this event aims to foster discussions and collaborations across various disciplines, specifically including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Social Sciences, and Social Media and Digital Methods in broader research in Digital Humanities.

Luca Marinelli will present the work: Towards Musically-informed Automated Discourse Analysis: A Case Study in Gender and Media by Marinelli L., Saitis C

AIM PhD student to present at the Geometric Deep Learning workshop

m4DL logoCentre for Digital Music PhD student Shubhr Singh will be presenting his recent work on “Local-Higher Order GNNs For Audio Classification And Tagging” as part of the Geometric Deep Learning workshop, taking place on 10-12 June 2024 at the University of Cambridge. The workshop is organised by the EPSRC’s Mathematics for Deep Learning programme grant (m4DL).

Shubhr’s work introduces the Local-Higher Order Graph Neural Network (LHGNN), which stands as a significant step forward in the field of audio classification and tagging, providing a robust framework that leverages graph-based and clustering methodologies to achieve high performance.