
DMRN+19: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2024

Queen Mary University of London

Tuesday 17th December 2024


  • Keynote speaker: Stefan Lattner (Research Leader at Sony CSL Paris) 
  • Registration: Will open in November
  • Submission deadline: November 21
  • Programme details: TBC
  • Proceedings: Uploaded after the workshop
  • Join DMRN on Linkedin.


Keynote speakers: Stefan Lattner (Research Leader at Sony CSL Paris)

Tittle: TBC


DMRN+19 is sponsored by

The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM); a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Music/Audio Technology and Creative Industries, based at Queen Mary University of London.

Information on a new AIM CDT call for PhD positions will be on our website soon.


Location:     QMUL Mile end Campus (In person)


Call for Contributions –

The Digital Music Research Network (DMRN) aims to promote research in the area of digital music, by bringing together researchers from UK and overseas universities, as well as industry, for its annual workshop. The workshop will include invited and contributed talks and posters. The workshop will be an ideal opportunity for networking with other people working in the area.


* Call for Contributions

You are invited to submit a proposal for a “talk” and/or a “poster” to be presented at this event.

TALKS may range from the latest research, through research overviews or surveys, to opinion pieces or position statements, particularly those likely to be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience. We plan to keep talks to about 15 minutes each, depending on the number of submissions. Short announcements about other items of interest (e.g. future events or other networks) are also welcome.

POSTERS can be on any research topic of interest to the members of the network.

The abstracts of presentations will be collated into a digest and distributed on the day.


* Submission

Please prepare your talk or poster proposal in the form of an abstract (1 page A4, using the template 1-page word template DMRN+19 [DOC 93KB], LaTeX template 2024 [404KB]. Submit it via email to giving the following information about your presentation:

  • Authors
  • Title
  • Preference for talk or poster (or “no preference”)


* Deadlines


21 Nov 2024: Abstract submission deadline

25 Nov 2024: Notification of acceptance

12 Dec 2024: Registration deadline

17 Dec 2024: DMRN+19 Workshop



The event will be in person but people could follow talks online, registration is mandatory for those coming in person (the registration cost is £25, it covers catering services, coffee and lunch).

Registration link TBC


Programme (TBC by 2nd December) (normally it would be 10:00 am to 5:00 pm)


10:00 Welcome –

Stefan Lattner (Research Leader at Sony CSL Paris)

11:10 Break (Coffee break)

Morning Talks





Lunch – Poster Session



Afternoon Talks

16:30 Close



* – There will be an opportunity to continue discussions after the Workshop in a nearby Pub/Restaurant for those in London.


AIM student to join the Alan Turing Institute in 2024/25

AIM PhD student Ashley Noel-Hirst has been awarded an enrichment placement by the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute in artificial intelligence and data science, enabling Ashley to join and interact with institute researchers and its community in the 2024/25 academic year.

Specifically, Ashley’s placement is hosted by the Turing’s Data-Centric Engineering research programme, and will be supported by Prof Drew Hemment, Theme Lead for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Data-Centric Engineering.

Congratulations to Ashley!

Call for Tutorials: AES International Conference on AI and Machine Learning for Audio (AIMLA 2025)

AIMLA conference logoThe AES International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Audio (AIMLA 2025), hosted at the Centre for Digital Music of Queen Mary University of London and taking place on Sept. 8-10, 2025 is calling for Tutorial submissions.

We are seeking proposals for 120-minute hands-on tutorials on the conference topics. The proposal should include a title, an abstract (60-120 words), a list of topics, and a description (up to 500 words). Additionally, the submission should include presenters’ names, qualifications, and technical requirements (sound requirements during the presentation, such as stereo, multichannel, etc.). We encourage tutorials to be supported by an elaborate collation of discussed content and code to support learning and building resources for a given topic. The deadline for tutorial proposals is on October 25, 2024 and the tutorial proposal submission portal can be found at:

For more information on the Calls for Papers, Special Sessions, Tutorials, and Challenges, please visit the conference website: