
Melodious or distorted? How music reinforces gender stereotypes in kids’ toys commercials

Kids' toys on shelfThe music in toy commercials might be shaping how children see themselves and the world! A new study, published in PLOS ONE, from Queen Mary University of London reveals that sound in toy ads isn’t just background noise — it’s actively reinforcing gender stereotypes.

AIM PhD student Luca Marinelli, supervised by Dr Charalampos Saitis (C4DMCOMMA) and in collaboration with Prof Petra Lucht (Center for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies at TU Berlin) found that ads targeting boys often feature intense, abrasive sounds, while those for girls use softer, harmonious music. These choices subtly reinforce ideas of “masculine” and “feminine” play from an early age.

Read more about the research and see the data firsthand:

(image source and license details)

AIM Industry Showcase Event

On Tuesday 29th October, we held an AI and Music Centre for Doctoral Training (AIM CDT) showcase event for our industry partners and collaborators featuring some of the research AIM CDT students do. We introduced the AIM CDT and outlined potential collaboration opportunities, including with C4DM academics and their research interests. We also discussed research ideas, including potential PhD topic and internship proposals.

Several AIM students presented their work:

Further information about the AIM CDT can be found here: UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music. More information about C4DM researchers is available here: You can get in touch with us for further information, including for requesting a recording of this event.

AIM at ISMIR 2024

Logo of ISMIR 2024 conference at San FransciscoOn 10-14 November 2024, several AIM researchers will participate at the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2024). ISMIR is the leading conference in the field of music informatics, and is currently the top-cited publication for Music & Musicology (source: Google Scholar). This year ISMIR will take place onsite in San Francisco (CA, USA) and online.

Similar to previous years, the Centre for Digital Music will have a strong presence at ISMIR 2024.

In the Scientific Programme, the following papers are authored/co-authored by AIM members:

The following Tutorial will be presented by AIM PhD student Ilaria Manco:

The following journal paper published at TISMIR will be presented at the conference:

As part of the MIREX public evaluations, AIM PhD student Yixiao Zhang is task captain for the Music Description & Captioning task.

Finally, the following AIM members are organising Satellite Events:

See you at ISMIR!